Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Sarah McCraw Crow

This was so enjoyable to read, Sarah. Thanks! I loved hearing about the Salem writer's conference, so many good tips to share with us writers! Appreciated how getting unstuck in writing is also about getting unstuck in midlife. My midlife character in my work in progress is getting unstuck--at least I am trying to help her do that, when I am not throwing rocks at her, which we wicked writers must do. Sarah, I am so enjoying reading The Wrong Kind of Woman. It's among the final reads in my 50 books I read in 2023...nearly last but hardly least. I am rooting for Virginia and Rebecca, Sam and the Gang of Four! Also, so sorry you have shingles. I got my vaccine!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Sarah McCraw Crow

So sorry about the Shingles, Sarah. I'm definitely getting the vaccine at my next doc appointment in January. I read an interesting Covid article that, in a round about way and as an example of how viral immunity works, explained the surge in Shingles cases in our generation. Basically, the chicken pox vaccine reduced the amount of low grade chicken pox exposures we get throughout our lives to keep up our immunity that we got from being infected as kids. Fascinating. Doesn't help you now, though. Hope the honey does!

I must admit to loving Love Actually. I adore Emma Thompson, Laura Linney and Colin Firth. I adore British humor, even the offensive bits that make Americans blush. I get what your referenced critique authors are saying but the movie was made 20 years ago. A LOT has changed in society since then, most of it not for the better (hello Twitter!). I watch it to get lost in the fun of the season and the ridiculous characters and to listen to Hugh Grant's perfect RP again, not to over analyze societal implications. If I did that, I could never watch another classic Fred Astaire or Bing Crosby Christmas movie. I like that it's silly and messy and not at all like 99% of the Hallmark-esque drivel available these days.

Hope you recover soon!

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Jan 2Liked by Sarah McCraw Crow

Thanks Sarah - yes, the link worked! One of my old writing (poetry) tutors used to talk about cranking up the weird to inject energy into your story. I’ll check out the podcast, thank you!

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Jan 2Liked by Sarah McCraw Crow

Fascinating to read about unconventionality as a strength. It’s not the message we get, generally, but it’s one that would help a lot of people, writers and non-writers! As a Brit who liked arthouse movies and thought myself way cooler I had an embargo on Love Actually for many years, but watched it recently and enjoyed it for all its nostalgia and fun. Like you, it’s an annual watch for a lot of people! Thanks for the entertaining and thoughtful piece and get well soon.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Sarah McCraw Crow

Hope you are feeling better soon!!

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Sarah McCraw Crow

As always, love your insights and suggestions! Was wonderful to spend time with you in Salem and I am so sorry about your shingles flare...hopefully you're starting to feel better?

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I love this, Sarah--especially the way you pull back the veil to show the challenges writers face (and us middle aged folks)! But I don't love that you have Shingles. I hope you feel better very soon!

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Here’s to hating on Love Actually (I never quite understood the fascination!) and Hugh Grant bugs the crap out of me - always 😅

And here’s to feeling better soon, Sarah! So sorry you are dealing with shingles. I’ve heard it can really knock one down.

Great piece here 🫶

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So sorry to hear about the shingles...hope you feel better soon! Making my appointment for the shot now...

I loved Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, amazing to hear the back story of her writing journey. So inspirational. Thank you for sharing these insights. Sounds like a great conference.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Sarah McCraw Crow

Love-Hate on the Love Actually! It was a thing I watched with college room mates each year, and *I think* we knew how awful it was. But I associate it with the holidays and fun, so it lives on.

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Shingles! Oh, no. Here’s to your recovery and a new year of unstuckness.

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deletedDec 15, 2023Liked by Sarah McCraw Crow
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